Introduction – Chapter 3 – Page 12-PE-EN

Other Network initiatives

The Network is currently working on the following collaborative projects under the funding received from the federal government from 2018 to 2023:

  1. Café de Paris: An activity that allows the Island’s health network staff to acquire or maintain basic French language skills, interact orally in French and obtain tools and resources to provide services in both official languages.
  2. French Home Care in PEI: Initiative to Improve Access to French Home Care Services.
  3. Long-Term Care in PEI: This project aims to develop and implement a bilingual neighborhood in long-term care homes in Beach Grove and Maplewood based on the Summerset model.
  4. Healthy Early Childhood: Project to support health promotion programs and initiatives targeting early childhood and to help them meet the needs and contribute to the reduction of health inequalities among Francophones.
  5. Bilingual Human Resources Integration Strategy: This strategy targets students, health professionals and migrants. It is delivered jointly with the provincial government and includes the recruitment of health professionals who can offer services in French and long-term support.
  6. Development and distribution of French-language resources: Development of resources such as the Active Offer Key, the Bonjour Campaign, the Tree of Help, Mental Health First Aid and virtual links.

Source: Network’s website